Service Units
The service unit is all girls, volunteers, parents, and community members that live in a geographic area who work collaboratively to support a strong Girl Scout community.
The Service Unit has several different functions and roles as an extension of Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma such as recruiting new members, supporting and engaging volunteers, and delivering programs for girls. Service Units are led by experienced, dedicated volunteers who are appointed and elected to serve in specific positions.
Service unit managers provide the leadership and management of an assigned geographic area, ensuring the support of girl and adult membership as well as delivery of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.
Key Responsibilities:
- Communicate regularly with council staff.
- Schedule, plan, and facilitate regular service unit team meetings.
- Share important Girl Scout information.
- Recruit, place, train, supervise, and recognize service unit team members.
- Monitor service unit finances in partnership with the service unit treasurer.
- Support Juliette Girl Scouts (individuals who participate outside of troops) in the service unit as necessary.
- Encourage all service unit team members.
- Have a valid email address that can be shared with others (for Girl Scout-related business).
- Maintain positive relationships with staff, service unit team, parents, troop leaders, and community partners.
- Promote and support Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma’s Fall Product Program, and the Cookie Program.
Term of Appointment:
Two (2) year, with annual reappointment based on demonstrated ability to fulfill the responsibilities of the position. Time commitment is July 1—June 30.
The Service Unit secretary records minutes, attendance, votes, and all final decisions made at meetings. The secretary also ensures that this information is properly distributed throughout the SU in a timely manner.
Key Responsibilities:
- Record attendance and take minutes (including all motions made, seconds, and final decisions).
- Distribute minutes within 10 days of the meeting to all registered volunteers in SU.
- Inform/Remind Service Unit members of registration deadlines.
- Encourage troops to participate in early-bird registration.
- Attend Service Unit meetings to contribute to accomplishing Service Unit goals through planning and implementing; share in problem-solving and decision making.
Term of Appointment:
One (1) year, with annual reappointment based on demonstrated ability to fulfill the responsibilities of the position. Time commitment is July 1—June 30.
Service unit treasures provide management of service team financial records and distribution of funds related to the service unit. They may also provide volunteers with assistance on troop budgeting and troop finances.
Key Responsibilities:
- Maintain Service Unit financial records, SU bank account, and distribute funds within the service unit.
- Provide a balance report to the SU members at monthly meetings.
- Make sure that all financial transactions are voted on and included in the SU meeting minutes.
- Communicate with Council Staff as necessary.
- Complete and submit the Service Unit’s financial report including receipts and bank statements. To be received by council on or before June 30th each year.
- Understand and be able to explain current SU/Troop banking procedures.
- Interpret financial assistance requirements and assist with application, if necessary.
- Assist volunteers with developing and exploring possible solutions for financial needs.
Term of Appointment:
One (1) year, with annual reappointment based on demonstrated ability to fulfill the responsibilities of the position. Time commitment is July 1—June 30.
The Service Unit recruiter recruits volunteers and girls in Girl Scouts and ensures that all girls in the assigned service area have the opportunity to fully participate in Girl Scout programs and activities.
Key Responsibilities:
- Communicate regularly with council staff.
- Implement and monitor Service Unit membership goals.
- Recruit new girls and adults into the organization on a year-round basis within assigned area.
- Develop and maintain relationships with area schools, parent groups, and community organizations with the Service Unit.
- Attend Service Unit meetings to contribute to accomplishing Service Unit goals through planning and implementing; share in problem-solving and decision making.
- Ensure that new Girl Scout members have opportunities to participate in local SU programming.
- Work with SU to maintain current troop rosters and troop availability.
- Maintain and share membership statistics; forecast SU Team membership needs and support the work of other team members.
Term of Appointment:
One (1) year, with annual reappointment based on demonstrated ability to fulfill the responsibilities of the position. Time commitment is July 1—June 30.
The Service Unit Troop Mentor provides leadership and support to the troop leadership volunteers and ensure the delivery of the Girl Scouts Leadership Experience.
Key Responsibilities:
- Implement and monitor Service Unit retention goals by supporting new and returning girls and adults year-round.
- Invite and attend monthly SU meetings with new troop leadership volunteers.
- Provide information, advice, and encouragement to new and experienced troop leadership volunteers.
- Provide enrichment activities and trainings for new and experienced troop leadership volunteers.
- Attend Service Unit meetings to contribute to accomplishing Service Unit goals through planning and implementing; share in problem-solving and decision making.
Term of Appointment:
One (1) year, with annual reappointment based on demonstrated ability to fulfill the responsibilities of the position. Time commitment is July 1—June 30.
The Fall Product Consultant provides leadership and management of the annual fall product sale. They ensure all girls in the area have an opportunity to grow as a result of participating in the sale.
Key Responsibilities:
- Attend Service Unit Fall product consultant training.
- Assist in identifying and submitting all Troop product sales consultants to council by office deadline.
- Plan and conduct troop product sales consultant training for all troop consultants.
- Promote the sale as a valuable learning activity for girls, which also provides important funding.
- Provide troops with information and program support.
- Communicate with the Product Program Department.
- Receive, reconcile, and summarize troop paperwork, submit all forms, evaluations, and appropriate reports to the GSWESTOK office by deadline.
- Accept delivery of and distribute awards to troops within 30 days of receipt.
Term of Appointment:
One (1) year, with annual reappointment based on demonstrated ability to fulfill the responsibilities of the position. Time commitment is July 1—June 30.
The Cookie Consultant provides leadership and management of the annual fall product sale. They ensure all girls in the area have an opportunity to grow as a result of participating in the sale.
Key Responsibilities:
- Attend Service Unit cookie consultant training.
- Assist in identifying and submitting all Troop cookie consultants to council by office deadline.
- Plan and conduct troop cookie consultant training for all troop consultants.
- Promote the sale as a valuable learning activity for girls, which also provides important funding.
- Provide troops with information and program support.
- Communicate with the Product Program Department.
- Receive, reconcile, and summarize troop paperwork, submit all forms, evaluations and appropriate reports to the GSWESTOK office by deadline.
- Accept delivery of and distribute awards to troops within 30 days of receipt.
Term of Appointment:
One (1) year, with annual reappointment based on demonstrated ability to fulfill the responsibilities of the position. Time commitment is July 1—June 30.
The event coordinator’s purpose is to supervise the coordination of Service Unit events to ensure safety, risk management, adherence to policies, and connection to the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.
Key Responsibilities
- Plan, implement and evaluate Service Unit events including logistics, budgets, and post-event surveys.
- Responsible for recruiting event chairs to plan and implement events.
- Meet with Service Unit Event Committee members to plan and coordinate desired events.
Term of Appointment:
One (1) year, with annual reappointment based on demonstrated ability to fulfill the responsibilities of the position. Time commitment is July 1—June 30.
The Outdoor coordinator is responsible for teaching, supporting, and mentoring troop leaders and other volunteers who are ready to lead girls in nature activities, outdoor skills, and outdoor badges.
Key Responsibilities:
- Join and attend GSWESTOK’s Outdoor Committee meetings.
- Communicate with the leaders in your SU about outdoor opportunities.
- Work with SU team to help plan outdoor experiences.
Term of Appointment:
One (1) year, with annual reappointment based on demonstrated ability to fulfill the responsibilities of the position. Time commitment is July 1—June 30.