Awards, Scholarships & Grants
Community Service Bars Guidelines
Higher Award Projects Benefitting GSWESTOK Guidelines
Higher Award Projects Benefitting GSWESTOK Application
Take Action vs. Community Service Guidelines
Presidential Volunteer Service Award Application
Adult Awards
Adult Award Endorsement Letter
Adult Award and Recognition Guidelines
Council Adult Award and Recognition Nomination Form
Membership Numeral or Years of Service Pin Request

GSWESTOK council led events and curriculum are marketed using our council "lockup" not GSUSA "lockup" which is the logo with "Girl Scouts" alone with the profile faces. GSUSA branding can only be used on pieces that they approve and design. The following word document can be used for Troops & Service Unit events and activities. You will be able to put your troop number within the Trefoil and print or save as an image file to place on your flyer. If you're needing branding assistance or have any questions, please contact info@gswestok.org.

Camp & Travel
Campsite Reservation Form
Please use this Health History Form when attending a camp or overnight for three nights or more. This can be used by the troop leaders or volunteers chaperoning the overnight.

Money Earning Forms - Troop/SU
Money Earning Forms - Highest Awards
Cancellation/Refund Guidelines
Troop/SU Bank Account Update Requests
2024 Troop Year End Financial Report Instructions
Committee Financial Tracking Workbook
2024 Service Unit Year-End Financial Report Submissions
SU Financial Tracking Workbook
2024 Committee Year-End Financial Report Submissions
Troop Financial Tracking Workbook
Activity/Event Permission Form
Please use this form when the troop's activity spans more than six hours of time and is more than one hour travel time from the troop's regular meeting location.
Please use this permission slip at the start of a girl joining your troop. It covers much more than just attending meetings at the regular troop meeting times and location. Please see form for details.
This form is to be completed for every troop member (girls and adults) and kept with the troop leaders whenever the troop gathers for meetings, field trips, camping, cookie booths, etc.
Product Sales

Have a recruitment event to bring new girls to your Service Unit or Troop? Use our recruitment event flyer or event flyer template! This artwork is pre-approved so you don't have to get your flyer approved by the council before distribution. These forms are updated each year before back to school begins!